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  • esmeloasby

Happy New Year 🌿

It’s almost the end of January, and I am ready for it, anyone else? I really try and align with the seasons and all their important changes, but by this point of the year… it always gets me and I feel this time around, I have finally surrendered to that rather than pushing through and ignoring it.

I don’t feel called to set resolutions at the beginning of January but do like to focus on a ‘word of the year’, a broader way of having something to refer back to, without the unnecessary pressure. This year my word is ‘wellness’ and I will aim to focus a little more on myself and my own needs, really listening to them, something that sounds insanely simple written down, but is not the case with two small people who need me 24/7.. this leads on nicely to my thoughts on social media presence, or lack of it recently. In the simplest way, it just doesn’t feel very authentic to me at the moment. I‘m not sure if it’s a seasonal thing or maybe a longer term thing, but I’ve not had any drive to show up very often there this month and it has got me thinking about how much time them tiny little apps suck out of your day and how I want to change that. I’ve said it before but I really hope to put a bit more time into the blog and make this my regular way of sharing, a little more effort but somehow way more wholesome and inviting of connection.

So, speaking of connection, do you set New Years goals? Do you have a word of the year? How are you feeling as we approach February? I personally can’t wait for February to come (and go 😅) because Spring is around the corner and that feels like the start of a New Year to me.

One lovely part of January for me, has been a trip to beautiful Oxford with out friends who came to stay from Holland for a weekend. We visited the Natural History Museum and then took a walk around the town. I was instantly reminded of the energy I get from these sorts of adventures, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I am a huge nerd (😏) and wow these trips, now they are not very often, literally fill my cup and remind me of all the things I love and am. Even the building itself was inspiring, I came away energised and, for the first time in a while, with that little spark that Winter often saps away, a little excitement about the years offerings and what creativity will surface with it. Feeling the sun on my face was the perfect tonic to the cold dark days that have consumed me this month, that was wellness- a whole day of it, and I’m grateful.

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